Susan Gilbert: Author, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker
"Are you living the life you want?
If not, ask yourself, why are you procrastinating?"
Many people go through life and never experience their true calling. Susan Gilbert is a person who has found her life's work and is here to help others find theirs. Susan is a change catalyst who empowers others to overcome obstacles such as fear and loss.
As an expert in resiliency, Susan helps others reconstruct their identity and find more joy in life. Who hasn’t experienced loss, whether the loss of a life of a loved one, a job, financial, relationship, health or their youth? Who hasn’t experienced fear of the unknown? Susan will have you embracing fear and loss with courage.
Susan has lived her book, The Land of I Can. At the age of 25 she lost her young husband to leukemia, and then less than three months later, she lost her fifty-one-year-old mother to cancer. Faced with this loss of family, combined with loss of income, Susan was unprepared for a career, and was reeling from upheaval. Amidst this un-chosen change, she made the pro-active choice to leave the small town where she had been born and raised, and moved three thousand miles away to begin anew. Today, Susan is a recognized business consultant, entrepreneur, and writer.
After a successful career in sales with AT&T, Susan became an entrepreneur. She created a bakery/café chain, then a computer imaging business. Most recently, Susan has formed Unity Products and Press, a publishing company promoting one world. Besides the inspirational gift book, The Land of I Can, Susan publishes an e-magazine, Spirit in Art, and has designed a one world line of jewelry, one-gallery.
Her beautiful and metaphorical book titled The Land of I Can will inspire readers and move them past their barriers of change. Both delightful and timeless, people of all ages will embrace The Land of I Can, where all things are possible and life becomes fully alive as an adventure.